I've come to the conclusion that the most profound spiritual journey is simply the art of living. It's about learning how to fully embrace the everyday - the rhythms, the routines, and the relationships that fill your day. Each moment is full of opportunities for mindful awareness, compassionate connection, and awakening. There's no need to grasp after the lofty when wisdom waits within the ordinary moment. Any activity, however mundane, holds the potential for liberation especially when it is infused with presence and care. The light can break through the cracks of a life deeply lived with open eyes and an open heart. Our teachers are all around us, disguised as our family members, our neighbours, and our tasks and chores. We just need eyes to see and ears to hear. Enlightenment, as I have come to understand it, wears work boots and an apron. For us to obtain it, we have to roll up our sleeves and plunge our hands into life's ordinary beauty.

the micro blog of soulcruzer