I’ve never been good at feelings, but I’m coming to understand that feelings are the key.
I’ve never been good at feelings, but I’m coming to understand that feelings are the key.
i must remember to relax my death grip on logic and instead embrace the more powerful tool of intuition.
The words we use to describe our lives have an uncanny way of shaping our reality. The stories we tell ourselves and the language we use to frame our circumstances dictate how we perceive and interact with the world around us. As the linguist Benjamin Lee Whorf hypothesised, the very structure of the language we speak impacts the way we think and process information.
speak and live your truth.
You contain a singular brilliance within. Only by mining your depths and realising your wholeness can that hidden gem sparkle. Shape the unique contours of your spirit. Honour the call echoing through your wild soul. Let your light blaze brightly, for only you can illuminate the singular path assigned to you. Stay true to that destined walkway, wherever it meanders. At the journey’s end, you’ll discover why you alone held that extraordinary compass, pointing to the heart of your reason for being. The treasure was inside you all along.
solitude returns priceless gifts of insight.
Our minds are beautifully adapted to create coherent narratives and meanings rather than objectively mirror reality. We are masters at detecting agency and intention where only randomness truly exists. We impose stories and symbols on the indifferent chaos of nature and then forget that it is our authorship. The map becomes the landscape.
Our senses intake, our minds create. And so ultimately, we experience reality not as it is, but rather as we are.
stop and think about what you are capable of achieving.
fear and desire make everything seem so complicated.
Nietzsche: “This painting - that which we humans call life and experience - has gradually become, is indeed still fully in the process of becoming, and should thus not be regarded as a fixed object…”
The choices we make shape how we experience life. It’s fascinating to me that I am the sum total of all the decisions I’ve made up to this point. My life reflects the paths I have chosen to walk - sometimes knowingly stepping towards growth and fulfilment, other times stumbling unawares into insight through mistakes. Every option taken or left seals the trajectory of my becoming. Though I can’t undo what brought me here, I can own the choices that carved my story. And in each new crossroad, I hold the power to steer my steps towards the life I envision.
happiness is the truth. - pw
I've come to the conclusion that the most profound spiritual journey is simply the art of living. It's about learning how to fully embrace the everyday - the rhythms, the routines, and the relationships that fill your day. Each moment is full of opportunities for mindful awareness, compassionate connection, and awakening. There's no need to grasp after the lofty when wisdom waits within the ordinary moment. Any activity, however mundane, holds the potential for liberation especially when it is infused with presence and care. The light can break through the cracks of a life deeply lived with open eyes and an open heart. Our teachers are all around us, disguised as our family members, our neighbours, and our tasks and chores. We just need eyes to see and ears to hear. Enlightenment, as I have come to understand it, wears work boots and an apron. For us to obtain it, we have to roll up our sleeves and plunge our hands into life's ordinary beauty.
Faith and fear are the contrasting forces that shape our journeys. They are the yin and yang of our existence. If we choose fear over faith, we stagnate and fall short of our potential. But if we choose to live by the mantra of “All Faith, No Fear,” we embrace a transformative path that leads us towards our true potential.
Your mind is your best friend. But it can also be your worst enemy.
Woody Allen: “Some people want to achieve immortality through their works or their descendants. I prefer to achieve immortality by not dying.”
perhaps a strange thing to be contemplating over a coffee on a saturday morning, but i’m sat here pondering how far into metaphorical darkness am i willing to go for more ancient, hidden knowledge and power.
John Steinbeck: “What good is the warmth of summer without the cold of winter to give it sweetness?”
-6C is too sweet for my taste.🥶
the mind paints its own realities based on sensory experience. the line becomes thin between truth and illusion.
our senses grasp at the world’s complexity.
consciousness, then, exists in eternal tension with reality. as a mystic in training, i want to see if i can transcend this condition and get a glimpse of reality’s core.
Memory is only a story of a story of a story. We only store a highly modified and distorted version of reality, not reality itself.
I have my recruitment d20 out. Let’s see what serendipity it brings me today.
heaven is down for repairs. sorry for the inconvenience. we’re installing some stella upgrades. these improvements will make your journey to the afterlife more engaging.
the universe is whispering. will you whisper back?
clearing the cobwebs out of my skull.
what if it’s our destiny to be weird?
life is curly. don’t try to straighten it out.
reality is too close.
echo chambers are warm and cosy
nothing can penetrate those cherished walls
of certainty, not even the voice of reason
I love social media, but sometimes I swear it's like walking through an existential minefield. All it takes is one post, one opened email and
I'm in a full-on existential meltdown cursing the universe and screaming, why lord, why do you mock me this way?
can you please warn me
before you start lobbing
existential grenades?