the only sustainable path

Since she was young, Mira had felt a longing to stand out from the crowd. As a teenager, she experimented with goth styles and bright hair colors to separate herself from her straight-laced peers. In college, she chose an obscure major and got involved in campus groups no one else cared about just so she could seem unique. 

After graduation, Mira entered the corporate world and found herself conforming to dress codes and cultural norms. She lost the visible differentiators that had given her an identity. On a trip back home, Mira ran into an old high school friend who seemed to radiate a comfortable confidence and sense of self. Her style was simple but distinctly her own. 

Mira realized that her desperate attempts to be an individual through artificial means like appearance had backfired. True differentiation came not from what she wore or activities she took up, but from self-knowledge, defining her own values, and having the courage to live by them even when pressures pushed towards homogenization. She resolved that cultivating her own inner voice would be the only sustainable path to being the distinctive person she longed to be. The external trappings were irrelevant if she could nurture that inner light.

the micro blog of soulcruzer @barefootwisdom
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