Something I lack at the moment is the right structure. My life is currently conducted through a series of habits and routines, which is the case for most of our lives. The challenge lies in putting the right habits and routines in place to achieve the results you want to obtain. The problem is that we are mostly drowning in a sea of activity, often dubbed as productivity. But is productivity the right metric?

Instead of productivity, we should measure the right activity. Have I done the right activities today, ones that will lead me to my end goal? One of these activities might be staring at a blank wall, metaphorically watching the paint dry. Through the lens of productivity, staring at a blank wall will mostly be seen as wasting time. However, through another lens, this same activity can be seen as spending the appropriate time alone with one’s own thoughts, and no distractions.

the micro blog of soulcruzer @barefootwisdom
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