a clandestine heist


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I don't consider reading a passive absorption but rather a clandestine heist. Every word, every phrase I encounter isn't just seen; it's stolen, pocketed deep into my being. I become an artful pickpocket in a crowded street of ideas, navigating through authors who, like market vendors, lay out their wares, unaware of the silent transactions I partake in.

As I meander through this bazaar of thoughts, my fingers, light as a feather's touch, lift concepts and emotions from unsuspecting paragraphs. These stolen goods, once mere ink on paper, undergo a transformation within my mind, morphing into something entirely my own. In this act, the words are reborn, their meanings altered in the crucible of my consciousness.

But what about the authors, those weavers of words? They seem blissfully ignorant, or perhaps willfully so, of the theft happening in broad daylight. As a reader, a shadow passing through their created world, I leave with pockets heavier than when I arrived. The authors, in turn, are thieves as well; they have stolen from life, from their experiences, from the world around them, to create their texts.

Thus, the cycle continues, a dance of silent thievery where ideas are the currency and understanding the prize. In this dance, I am both thief and victim, for as I steal from the text, the text, in turn, steals from me, taking my time, my thoughts, my preconceptions, leaving me transformed.

This world of words is a strange paradox, a place where theft is not only accepted but encouraged, where stolen goods are not diminished but multiplied with each act of larceny. Here, in this realm, the greatest heists are celebrated, where a reader like me walks away with a mind brimming with stolen treasures, riches of thought and emotion that weren't there before.

Standing as a successful thief in the quiet aftermath of reading, I ponder: What have I taken, and more importantly, what has been taken from me? For in this exchange, this delicate balance of give and take, lies the true magic of the written word.

Is not the act of reading the most exquisite form of thievery, where the greatest reward is the transformation within the soul of the thief?

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