My first impressions of the Xreal VR glasses

I received my Xreal Air 2 VR glasses yesterday; they were delivered five days early. I'm currently using them as I type this. I'm utilizing the Nebula app, which provides me with three screens to work with, which is quite nice. Typing is still a bit awkward since I'm a hunt-and-peck typist who needs to see the keyboard to type. A touch typist, however, would find these glasses incredibly efficient.

One thing that none of the reviews mention is that the closeness of the glasses' screen can cause eye fatigue. It might just be that I need to get used to having the screens so close to my eyes—the actual physical glasses screens, I mean. The virtual screens are adjustable, so you can position them near or far, which is helpful. 

Side Note: Maybe the weird feeling I have after a session wearing the VR glasses is a result of the Jedi MF your brain undergoes in VR. I mean, essentially, the mind is tricked into believing it’s seeing huge 201 inch screen, when in fact, it’s seeing two tiny 1.5 in screens made to look like your viewing 201 inch screen. Your eyes have to readjust to reality.

The great thing about these glasses is that they create a mixed reality scenario. I'm able to use my physical keyboard in conjunction with upto three virtual monitors. However, a minor issue is that it's easy to lose track of your mouse, and the only solution I've found so far is to disconnect and reconnect the glasses.

Another positive is that the glasses don't need to be charged because they draw power from the connected device's battery. You can uses the VR glasses with any device - your phone, tablet, laptop, or gaming console.

The best features of the Xreal VR glasses are that they are lightweight and resemble regular sunglasses.

IMG 1219

These glasses excel at creating a home cinema experience with a screen size of up to 330 inches, making them ideal for watching movies or YouTube videos. Although I'm not a huge gamer, I do play Baldur's Gate 3 on my MacBook Pro. It's a significant upgrade to play on a big screen and to be able to look straight ahead instead of down.

However, my primary use for these glasses is when I'm working away from home. Having a three-screen virtual desktop is immensely beneficial to me. I'm also excited about using them to watch movies during train journeys and flights.

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