new patient: Clayton L. fifty five year old African American male. consultant. chronic note-taker. currently administering self-therapy through writing out his thoughts on loose leaf paper and then ritualistically burning them in the back garden. what’s his problem? he can’t keep is mind still or complete things he starts. easily distracted, but always completes things that matter on time and to standard. maybe the problem is not many things matter to him, especially given how fleeting life is. his running narrative: am I going to care about this on my deathbed? another problem he has is his limited emotional range. he seems to only have three emotional gears - happy, annoyed, and melancholy. he says that’s all he needs. he says others think he just doesn’t care about other people and their feelings. he’s only ever been to one funeral in his life. during his freshman year in college, his grandfather died. he went to the funeral. all the wailing and crying made him uncomfortable. he vowed never to attend another funeral, not even his own.

the micro blog of soulcruzer