
inspired by the heavy rain outside my window right now, i start singing an alice cooper song:

rain is falling down my cheek
searching for the sea
tomorrow like the rain
i'll be back home again

🎧 Listen: Alma Mater - Alice Cooper

but this isn’t what i came here to tell you. i came here to tell you the latest issue of my substack newsletter, the barefoot philosopher’s notes is out. i think it’s my favourite issue so far. i’ve been iterating on the newsletter over the past few months, searching for a format that fits the vibe of what i’m about. i think i’ve finally found it.

if you’ve been seeing me post links to my substack over the past year, and if in the past, you saw the link, paused, but ultimately kept on scrolling, then i urge you to click the link this time, check out my new flow. you can resume scrolling later.

here’s the link to the current issue: play what’s not there

the micro blog of soulcruzer @barefootwisdom
Tinylytics: WebRing