Genuine and sincere are my current lodestars helping me to align with a greater cosmic truth about myself. "I study myself more than any other subject. That is my metaphysics, that is my physics.” And what is it to be genuine and sincere but to engage in this eternal dance of self-examination?
"Living is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how. The moment you know how, you begin to die a little.” But isn't this the crux of it? To be genuine and sincere is to stand on the precipice of not knowing, to make peace with the tension of being imperfectly, wholly myself.
The conversations i’m having with myself expand beyond the limits of skin and bone and into the space around me, into the lives of the people i touch, into the ground i walk upon, and into the air i breathe. It’s in the way my body responds to a sunset, eyes reflecting the mingling hues of red and gold; it’s in the way i listen, truly listen to the words of another, trying to keep my mind clear of judgement.
It’s in the way i embrace my own flawed, messy existence.