what if it’s our destiny to be weird?
what if it’s our destiny to be weird?
life is curly. don’t try to straighten it out.
reality is too close.
echo chambers are warm and cosy
nothing can penetrate those cherished walls
of certainty, not even the voice of reason
I love social media, but sometimes I swear it's like walking through an existential minefield. All it takes is one post, one opened email and
I'm in a full-on existential meltdown cursing the universe and screaming, why lord, why do you mock me this way?
can you please warn me
before you start lobbing
existential grenades?
when we learn, we no longer fear. I’ll take this into the new year with me.
who wants to be real when reality is no longer realistic?
a reimagined version of the poem “Twas the Night Before Christmas”
Clement Clarke Moore wrote the poem A Visit from St. Nicolas in 1823. Originally titled A Visit from St. Nicholas, it later became more popularly known by its opening line, "Twas the Night Before Christmas." The poem is largely responsible for many of our modern conceptions of Santa Claus and Christmas traditions. He helped (probably inadvertently) to standardise imagery such as Santa's sleigh, reindeer, and entrance via chimneys. It continues to be one of the most well-known and referenced Christmas poems.
and today I’m going to play with it (because, why not?)
link: the day before the night before Christmas
more often than not for me
Sometimes I confuse myself with my shadow
and sometimes don’t.
Samuel Beckett
toilet paper
unicorn rocking horse
standing next to the
christmas tree
i haven't thought about Sgt Rock and Doc Savage for years. i need to go rummage through the attic and see if i still have any of these in my possession.
in a universe where God’s gone on vacation, it’s up to us to feed the fish and occasionally change the water.
lunch break reading
(your)self =
"Time may be one of humanity’s biggest illusions, but it’s one we are enslaved to, making the illusion more real than most real things.”
according to my swarm app, in 2023, i spent most of my time in the gym, rail stations, coffee shops, and pizzerias.
Talia watched the faceless crowds hurry along the sidewalks, she remembered her grandfather's words: "It is possible to have anarchy in your heart, mind, and will." She realised he had meant that real freedom came from within, not from external circumstances.
who am I?
Me: What if nothing is real? What if we’re just dreams dreamt by a cosmic hamster running endlessly on a wheel shaped like an eggplant pizza?
You: Whoa...that explains the purple haze skies. But if life is but a rodent's reverie, why does this pizza taste like cardboard instead of eggplant?
Me: The hamster is gluten intolerant, didn’t you know? Its fantasies play tricks. Now, let’s go ride the rainbow swirl slide before we blink out of this world!
this is exactly where my mind is at the moment
“A self is a fiction, the biggest fiction of them all.” - David Shields
first part of the rebellion: figure out what i’m rebelling against.
i want to be out there but also here; i want to butter my toast and eat it too.
if you suddenly discovered the truth, would it shatter your world or would it be the key to a new understanding of existence?